Trust LogoWestmuir Community Development Trust was formed in 2004 following a strong desire for such an organisation having been expressed through a survey of the local community in Westmuir. Membership of the Trust, which is managed by a small team of local Directors, is open to all Westmuir residents who register, with no fee required. The more people who register, the stronger our voice or bargaining strength will be when dealing with organisations such as the Council or when seeking funding for developments or improvements within the village.

The objectives of the Trust are:

        • To provide, in the best interests of social welfare, facilities for recreation and other leisure time activity available to the public at large in Westmuir and surrounding area.
        • To preserve, restore and improve the environment in the area.
        • To advance education and to promote opportunities for learning and to raise awareness and interest in the local environment, culture and heritage.

One of the principle ways of meeting these objectives was the creation of the Westmuir Community Woodland Park which lies on the Western outskirts of the village. The woodland itself is leased to the Trust for a token annual rent and has already seen significant development since its inauguration as a community resource.  It has been carefully thinned out and now boasts a pleasant network of paths and boarded walkways, dry-stone features at the entrances and a seating circle.

There are numerous bird boxes and areas of wetland which provide a unique area for people, birds and local wildlife.  The Woodland also boasts grass play area for local youngsters and a tree nursery area.  There is car parking at the West entrance and useful information boards at both ends of the woodland which help visitors make the most of their visit.

Another Trust Development is the provision of the Westmuir Village Website as a means of promoting the area and its people, activities and attractions.  The website, which was developed and is maintained by local volunteers, provides a modern way of communicating local group activities, interests and news items and upcoming events are posted regularly.  The website has proved popular and is accessed on a daily basis from Westmuir and around the world.

WCDT Statement of Finances, Balance sheet, and Notes to account

Here are the latest financial statements and balance sheet for WCDT as of 31st October 2023.

The most recent

Latest Trustees' Annual Report incorporating the Report of the Directors.

can be read by clicking on the above link.

Why not join us ?

If you are not already a member of the Trust and would like to be, please print this

Application Form

and hand it it to the Westmuir Shoppie.

Would you like to make a Donation?

The Westmuir Community Development Trust makes no charge for membership and depends on goodwill and donations to meet the annual costs of rent, insurance and maintenance of the Woodland Park in particular.
If you appreciate and enjoy these facilities and would like to contribute towards the ongoing success of the Woodland Park as well as the future work of the Westmuir Community Development Trust, but are perhaps unable to attend fund-raising events, you can make your donation in a sealed envelope marked ‘Westmuir Trust’ and hand it in to The Westmuir Shoppie where you can be assured it will be passed on.  Please mark you name on the envelope so that we can acknowledge your donation.
Your help and support, whether physical or financial, for our efforts in building and improving our local community will be very much appreciated.